Results for 'Secundum Trinum Effectum'

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  1. Incipit quinta distinctio* sub qua continentur quindecim significationes cum capitulis istis.I. Triadis Ad Sapientiam Associatio, Secundum Triplicem Eius Materiam, Ii Eiusdem Ad Eandem Conuenientia, Secundum Trinum Effectum, Iii Item Alia Eorumdem Proportio Secundum, Locum Ab Negative, Iv Ad Trinum Locum Consonantia Trium, Excusationum Et Trium Temptationum, V. Consonantia Triadis Et Timoris Secundum & Triplicem Efficientiam - 1999 - Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec Et Latin 69:184.
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    Philosophical abstracts.Nicholas Lobkowicz Secundum - 1995 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 69 (3).
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  3. Incipit quarta distinctio sub qua continentur nouem significationes ternarii cum capitulis suis.I. Coaptatio, Ternarii Ad Ordines Fidelium, Secundum Antiquam Distributionem, Mundiales In Presidentes, In Recedentes, Mundiales Ab Agricolantibus Iacentibus, A. Molentibus Presidentes, Iv Rursum Quibus A. Personis Quos, Eadem Theologia & Coetcurn Mundialibus - 1999 - Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec Et Latin 69:111.
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  4. Prima distinctio.I. Quid Dicendum Sit Et Qualiter, Ii Pretitulationes Uiginti Octo Significationum, Iii Deaptitudine Trinitatis Et Tryadis, Iv Triplex Ratio Secundum Mathesim Cur, Numero Theologia Declarauit Deum, V. Ostensio Triplex Secundum Mathesim Cur, Ternario Designata Est Deitas, Vi Designatio Triformis Secundum Logicam Cur, Relatione Declarata Est Deitas & Viictcur Relatione - 1999 - Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec Et Latin 69:253.
  5. Secundum Quid and the Pragmatics of Arguments. The Challenges of the Dialectical Tradition.Fabrizio Macagno - 2022 - Argumentation 36 (3):317-343.
    The phrase _secundum quid et simpliciter_ is the Latin expression translating and labelling the sophism described by Aristotle as connected with the use of some particular expression “absolutely or in a certain respect and not in its proper sense.” This paper presents an overview of the analysis of this fallacy in the history of dialectics, reconstructing the different explanations provided in the Aristotelian texts, the Latin and medieval dialectical tradition, and the modern logical approaches. The _secundum quid_ emerges as a (...)
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    Accidens Secundum Species: Bonaventure’s Solution to the Problem of the Accidens Sine Subiecto.Filipa Afonso - 2023 - In Gyula Klima (ed.), The Metaphysics and Theology of the Eucharist: A Historical-Analytical Survey of the Problems of the Sacrament. Springer Verlag. pp. 111-123.
    This paper deals with Bonaventure’s stand on the separability of accidents discussed within the framework of the theology of the Eucharist, in his Commentarium in Sententias, IV, d. 12, p. 1, a. 1, q. 1. Since an accident was traditionally defined as ens in alio, the existence of accidents apart from any subject in the Eucharist was considered philosophically challenging. The Franciscan theologian has been credited with having distinguished, for the first time (Bakker PJJM. La raison et le miracle: les (...)
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  7. Ignoring qualifications (secundum quid) as a subfallacy of hasty generalization.Douglas N. Walton - 1990 - Logique Et Analyse 129 (130):113-154.
  8. “’Christus secundum spiritum’: Spinoza, Jesus, and the Infinite Intellect”.Yitzhak Y. Melamed - 2012 - In Neta Stahl (ed.), The Jewish Jesus. Routledge.
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    Secundum/tertium Adiacens: Vicissitudes of a Logical Distinction.Gabriel Nuchelmans - 1992 - Royal Netherlands Academy of.
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    Secundum viam modernam: ontologischer Nominalismus bei Bartholomäus Arnoldi von Usingen.Sebastian Lalla - 2003 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    "Secundum processum et mentem versoris": John versor and his relation to the schools of thought reconsidered.Pepijn Rutten - 2005 - Vivarium 43 (2):292-336.
    Johannes Versor († after 1482) was a prominent philosopher in the late fifteenth century, whose works were widely diffused. In recent scholarship, Versor has been associated with two schools of thought: Thomism and Albertism. These, however, were rivals—especially in Cologne, where Versor's works were printed repeatedly. Given this historical context, how should Versor's position amidst the quarrels of the schools be interpreted? Although he evidently used the works of both Albert and Thomas, there is no evidence that Versor ever committed (...)
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  12. Insolubilia and the fallacy secundum quid et simpliciter.Catarina Dutilh Novaes & Stephen Read - 2008 - Vivarium 46 (2):175-191.
    Thomas Bradwardine makes much of the fact that his solution to the insolubles is in accordance with Aristotle's diagnosis of the fallacy in the Liar paradox as that of secundum quid et simpliciter. Paul Spade, however, claims that this invocation of Aristotle by Bradwardine is purely "honorary" in order to confer specious respectability on his analysis and give it a spurious weight of authority. Our answer to Spade follows Bradwardine's response to the problem of revenge: any proposition saying of (...)
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  13. 'Metaphysica secundum ethymon nominis dicitur scientia transcendens'. On the Etymology of 'Metaphysica'in the Scotist Tradition.Claus A. Andersen - 2009 - Medioevo 34:61-104.
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    9. Secundum intentionem Doctoris subtilis: The Commentaries on Porphyry’s Isagoge and Aristotle’s De anima by Walter of Wervia.Paul J. J. M. Bakker & Femke J. Kok - 2014 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 56:263-279.
    This contribution offers a detailed presentation of the commentaries on Porphyry’s Isagoge and Aristotle’s De anima by Walter of Wervia. Walter wrote his commentaries between 1445 and 1472 at the University of Paris. Both works bear witness to the influence of John Duns Scotus and Scotism on Parisian Masters of Arts.
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    Secundum doctores: essays in medieval learned law in honour of Harry Dondorp.Hylkje de Jong, Wolfgang Ernst, Jan Hallebeek, D. J. Ibbetson, Yves Mausen, E. J. H. Schrage & Andreas Thier (eds.) - 2023 - Amsterdam: VU Uitgeverij / VU University Press.
    The present volume, a tribute to Harry Dondorp, contains contributions to the symposium held on the occasion of his farewell at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Written by four eminent scholars in the field of legal history, the contributions are related to his areas of interest: delictual liability, Romano-canonical procedure and comparative law texts. The contributors are Wolfgang Ernst, David Ibbetson, Yves Mausen and Andreas Thier. The introductory words are by Eltjo Schrage, Jan Hallebeek and Hylkje de Jong.
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    Cognitio secundum connaturalitatem iuxta S. Thomam.Johannes Kadowaki - 1974 - Frankfurt/M: Peter Lang.
    Die thomanische Erkenntnismetaphysik und -psychologie wird auch heute noch weithin in rein intellektualistischem Sinn gedeutet. Eine eindringliche Untersuchung der Texte zeigt jedoch, dass Thomas neben der streng rationalen Erkenntnis um eine -Erkenntnis durch Naturverwandtschaft- weiss, die vom liebenden Affekt getragen ist. Die vorliegende, lateinisch geschriebene Arbeit untersucht die Rolle des Willens in der Konstitution dieser Erkenntnisweise.".
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    Secundum viam philosophi: gli aristotelismi nel tardo Medioevo latino (1250-1362).Andrea Vella - 2014 - Palermo: Officina di studi medievali.
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    Secundum Naturam Vivere: Stoic Thoughts of Greco-Roman Antiquity on Nature and Their Relation to the Concepts of Sustainability, Frugality, and Environmental Protection in the Anthropocene.Hendrik Müller - 2023 - Philosophy of Management 22 (4):619-628.
    This paper wants to shed light on the way the philosophical school of Stoicsm in Greco-Roman antiquity has dealt with the relationship of men and nature by pointing out to some of the key texts in which these issues are mentioned. Although the modern concept of sustainability or environmental protection did not really exist in antiquity, the Stoa was convinced that individual decisions had a direct impact on this world. Following the concept of environmental humanities, the ancient texts and authors (...)
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  19. Secundum Avenroem: Pico della Mirandola, Elia del Medigo e la "seconda rivelazione" di Averroè.Giovanni Licata - 2022 - Palermo: Officina di studi medievali.
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    'Responsio secundum thomam' and the search for an early thomistic school.Isabel Iribarren - 2001 - Vivarium 39 (2):255-296.
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    Secundum ordinem melchisedech: Le sacerdoce du Christ en he 7, 11-28.Joseph Doré - 2011 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 85 (1):1-26.
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    Secundum rem et secundum vocem. Prescienza, credenza e logica della contingenza in Guglielmo di Ockham.Riccardo Fedriga - 2016 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 71 (4):67-86.
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    Baruch secundum Decanum Salesburiensem : Text and Introduction to the Earliest Latin Commentary on Baruch.Athanasius Sulavik O. P. - 2001 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 68 (1):249.
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    Origine, sens et survie du terme boécien «secundum placitum».J. Engels - 1963 - Vivarium 1 (1):87-114.
    La première fois que SECUNDUM PLACITUM se présente chez Boèce, c'est dans sa traduction de la définition aristotélienne du nom du Peri Herméneias (I6 a I9): "Ovoμα μν oüv στ φων σημαντιΧ Χατ συνΧην...Ι qu'il rend: NOMEN ERGO EST VOX SIGNIFICATIVA SECUNDUM PLACITUM. L'expression y est le substitut de Χατ συνν qu'on interprète en général comme signifiant «par convention». En interprétant SECUNDUM PLACITUM de la même manière, on a l'avantage de faire correspondre parfaitement l'expression latine au sens (...)
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  25. Conclusiones secundum Pythagoram et Hymnos Orphei: Early modern reception of ancient Greek wisdom.Georgios Steiris - 2014 - In K. Maricki – Gadjanski (ed.), Antiquity and Modern World, Scientists, Researchers and Interpreters, Proceedings of the Serbian Society for Ancient Studies. Serbian Society for Ancient Studies. pp. 372-382.
    This paper seeks to explore the way Giovanni Pico della Mirandola treated the Orphics and the Pythagoreans in his Conclusiones nongentae, his early and most ambitious work, so that he formulates his own philosophy. I do not intend to present and analyze the sum of Pico’s references to Orphics and Pythagoreans, since such an attempt is beyond the scope of this paper. Rather, I aim to highlight certain Pico’s aphorisms that allow readers to understand and evaluate his syncretic method and (...)
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    Secundum vocem concordare, sensu tamen discrepare.” Der Streit um die Deutung des Aristoteles an der Universität Ingolstadt im späten 15. und frühen 16. Jahrhundert. [REVIEW]Luise Schorn-Schütte, Matthias Lutz-Bachmann, Johannes Fried & Alexander Fidora - 2007 - In Luise Schorn-Schütte, Matthias Lutz-Bachmann, Johannes Fried & Alexander Fidora (eds.), Politischer Aristotelismus Und Religion in Mittelalter Und Früher Neuzeit. Akademie Verlag.
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  27. Quaestio de universali secundum viam et doctrinam Guilelmi de Ockham quam ex cod. vatic. palat. 998.Martin Grabmann (ed.) - 1930 - Monasterii,: typis Aschendorff.
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    Vernunft und Natur: Das Secundum naturam in der Thomanischen Strebens- und Güterlehre.Matthias Lutz-Bachmann & Jan Szaif - 2004 - In Matthias Lutz-Bachmann & Jan Szaif (eds.), Was Ist Das Für den Menschen Gute? / What is Good for a Human Being?: Menschliche Natur Und Güterlehre / Human Nature and Values. Walter de Gruyter.
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    The Knowability of Matter « Secundum Se ».J. Normand Marcotte - 1945 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 1 (1):103.
  30. Quætio Theologica, Quomodo, Secundum Principia Peripatetices Digbeanæ Sive Secundùm Rationem, & Abstrahendo Quantùm Materia Patitur Ab Authoritate, Humani Artbitrij Libertas Sit Explicanda, & Cum Gratiæefficacia Concilianda.Thomas White & Kenelm Digby - 1652 - [S.N.].
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    Lex Christi Secundum Natura.Franz J. Busch - 1975 - Roma: Gregorian & Biblical Press.
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    Philosophia scholastica secundum "rationem, doctrinam et principia" S. Thomae Aquinatis ad usum seminariorum.Francesco Saverio Calcagno - 1956 - Neopoli,: M. D'Auria. Edited by Carlo Ferraris.
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    Quaestio De Universali Secundum Viam Et Doctrinam Guilelmi De Ockham.Robert Pollock - 1931 - New Scholasticism 5 (3):284-284.
  34. Quo sensu secundum S. Thomam ratio sit regula actuum humanorum?'.Victor Cathrein - 1924 - Gregorianum 5:584.
  35. Scriptum in secundum librum Sententiarum.Guillelmus de la Mare & Hans Kraml - 1996 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 58 (3):601-602.
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    Quaestiones in Librum Secundum Sententiarum .Quaestiones in Librum Tertium Sententiarum.Guillelmi de Ockham, Rega Wood, Frank E. Kelly & Girard J. Etzkorn - 1986 - Philosophical Review 95 (3):474-480.
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    Infinitum simpliciter und infinitum secundum quid.Wolfgang Breidert - 1981 - In Wolfgang Kluxen (ed.), Sprache und Erkenntnis im Mittelalter, 2. Halbbd. De Gruyter. pp. 677-683.
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    Quaestiones super secundum et tertium De anima.John Duns Scotus - 2006 - St. Bonaventure, N.Y.: Franciscan Institute of St. Bonaventure University. Edited by Bernardo C. Bazàn.
    This volume is the fifth and final volume in the Blessed John Duns Scotus Opera philosophica series. It offers readers Scotus' questions on Aristotle's De anima wherein he focuses his attention upon the faculties of sensation, the nature of the intellect, the role of the intelligible species in cognition, and the formal object of the intellect.
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  39. Introductiones dialecticae artis secundum magistrum G. Paganellum.Yukio Iwakuma - 1993 - Cahiers de L’Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec Et Latin 63:45-114.
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    Divine Ideas, Instants of Nature, and the Spectre of “verum esse secundum quid ” A Criticism of M. Renemann’s Interpretation of Scotus.Lukáš Novák - 2012 - Studia Neoaristotelica 9 (2):185-203.
    The purpose of this review article is to offer a criticism of the interpretation of Duns Scotus’s conception of intelligible being that has been proposed by Michael Renemann in his book Gedanken als Wirkursachen. In the first place, the author shows that according to Scotus, for God “to produce a thing in intelligible being” and “to conceive a thing” amounts to altogether one and the same act. Esse intelligibile therefore does not have “priority of nature” with respect to “esse intellectum” (...)
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  41. Distinctio potentiarum a substantia, secundum doctrinam Sancti Thomae.A. Roszwadowski - 1935 - Gregorianum 16:272-281.
  42. The quodlibet secundum of ferrarius catalanus, op, Parisian master and successor of st. Thomas Aquinas.Louis Shwartz - 2012 - Mediaeval Studies 74:51-99.
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    Perplexity Simpliciter and Perplexity Secundum Quid.M. V. Dougherty - 2001 - International Philosophical Quarterly 41 (4):469-480.
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    Without Qualification: An Inquiry Into the Secundum Quid.David Botting - 2014 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 36 (1):161-170.
    In this paper I will consider several interpretations of the fallacy of secundum quid as it is given by Aristotle in the Sophistical Refutations and argue that they do not work, one reason for which is that they all imply that the fallacy depends on language and thus fail to explain why Aristotle lists this fallacy among the fallacies not depending on language, amounting often to a claim that Aristotle miscategorises this fallacy. I will argue for a reading that (...)
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    Quaestiones in librum secundum Sententiarum . William of Ockham, Gedeon Gál, Rega WoodQuaestiones in librum tertium Sententiarum . William of Ockham, Francis E. Kelley, Girard J. Etzkorn. [REVIEW]Thomas Tomasic - 1984 - Speculum 59 (2):708-711.
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    Quaestiones in librum secundum Sententiarum (Reportatio). [REVIEW]Allan B. Wolter - 1984 - Review of Metaphysics 37 (3):633-634.
    These volumes continue the Franciscan Institute's splendid critical edition of Ockham's lectures on the Sentences of Peter Lombard. As the editors note, each is a "reportatio" or student report of the actual lectures Ockham gave as a bachelor of theology at Oxford rather than an Ordinatio or revision prepared for publication and distribution to the book sellers, which a bachelor usually did in the interval between the completion of the lectures and the formal proceedings connected with his inception as master. (...)
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    ‘The idea of the University’ and the ‘Pretoria Model’ Apologia pro statu Facultatis Theologicae Universitatis Pretoriensis ad secundum saeculum.Johan Buitendag - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4):11.
    The article is authored by the Dean of Faculty of Theology at the University of Pretoria, celebrating the Faculty’s centenary in 2017. The exposition of the argument is unfolded on the basis of Ricoeur’s threefold mimesis of prefiguration, configuration and reconfiguration. The earliest decisive statement with regard to the nature of the Faculty, and which is eagerly pursued, was made by the Rev. M.J. Goddefroy in 1888, epitomising theological training as of academic deference, that is as a Faculty at a (...)
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    VII-3A Ordinis septimi tomus tertius pars A: Paraphrasis in Euangelium secundum Ioannem.Jan Bloemendal (ed.) - 2022 - BRILL.
    An edition of Erasmus’s commentary in the form of a paraphrase on the Gospel of John, containing the Latin text with apparatus criticus, and English introduction and commentary.
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    Institutiones iuris naturalis, seu, Philosophiae moralis universae: secundum principia S. Thomae Aquinatis: ad usum scholorem.Theodor Meyer - 1900 - Friburgi Brisgoviae: Herder.
    pt. 1. Ius naturae generale (editio 2. emendata. 1906) -- pt. 2. Ius naturae speciale.
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  50. Disputationes Collativae: Walter Burley's Tractatus Primus and of Gregory of Rimini's Lectura super primum et secundum Sententiarum.Edith Dudley Sylla - 2011 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 22:383-464.
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